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Satisfaction survey diagnostic LIGAN-PM

To whom it may concern,

We’re getting back to you regarding your project done through our platform.

We are grateful to you for spend your time to participate in the following evaluation of the services provided by our platform.

The processing of the data collection relating to this survey is declared at the CNIL n 2017-86. Data are stored for one year and is intended for the LIGAN-MP platform of the UMR1283 laboratory, part of EGID. In accordance with the revised law on “Computing and freedom” of January 6 1978, any person has the right of access to or the right of correction or deletion of data relating to him/her.

If you wish to exercise one of these rights and obtain the information related to you, please contact Stefan Gaget (stefan.gaget@cnrs.fr).

Version 2.1 - 2022-03

(Cette question est obligatoire)
What is the name of your laboratory / health care facility / ... ?
(Cette question est obligatoire)
First name and surname ?
(Cette question est obligatoire)
What is your professional status ?
(Cette question est obligatoire)
How did you find out about our platform ?